About us

Our Values, Vision & Mission

What RPC Stands For

Four retired friends, 2 men and 2 women. Laughing together outdoors.

Our core values

A mature couple and having fun on swings. One is holding onto the other, about to push them high.

Our Values

Following broad consultation with key stakeholders including Board, staff course speakers, programme leaders and attendees, a set of values were selected. This selection was based on consensus and a desire to convey both the ethos of the organisation and define what it is that the Retirement Planning Council stands for. These words are intended to guide and inspire the organisation and complement the mission and vision.

  • Support: We endeavour to provide the best quality support by offering guidance and practical information to people seeking direction in retirement and future planning.
  • Expert: We are committed to being the trusted experts on retirement planning matters, with our experienced team of professionals providing specialist knowledge Independent: We are proud to be independently funded and to operate based on best practice.
  • Empowerment: We believe that every person approaching retirement should be given the tools to plan a happy and fulfilling future.
  • Respect: We are people-focused and place the individual at the centre of what we do. RPCI is dedicated to treating our people with the utmost respect and consideration
    Impact: We are dedicated to growing our organsationsimpact so that we can help create better outcomes for more people.

Our Vision

Stakeholders engaged in discussions to arrive at a vision statement for RPCI

The vision statement aims to encapsulate an idealistic expression of what kind of the future the organisation wishes to work toward.

“Where all can create and embrace their own future”

An older couple are looking back at the camera smiling while on retired on holidays together.
A large group of retired friends chatting on a park bench together.

Our Mission

Finally, stakeholders contributed to the developmentof a mission statement that supported RPCI’s Vision.

  • “To be the best provider of trusted programmes and independent guidance by providing training, advocacy and lifetime support for people approaching and during their next stage of living.”

Lifetime support

We promise to support you throughout your life and to be a resource for life for everyone who takes part in our programmes.

We will do what we can, when we can to give ongoing support to all the organisations with whom we work.

A group of retired older friends sitting together playing cards.

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