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Relationships and Social Networks
A Kids Book About Ageism eBook : Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
A children's book about learning to spot and call out ageism.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Elderly People and Discrimination: Prevention and Reaction
A research paper from 'The Institute of criminological and sociological research - Vojvodina Bar Association 2023.
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Relationships and Social Networks
The Maturepreneur Podcast with Jannette Anderson
The Maturepreneur Podcast with Jannette Anderson: Let's End Ageism with Ashton Applewhite on Apple Podcasts.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Aging: So Cool, Everyone Is Doing It
Video about the history of the phrase created to combat ageism, by the Age-Friendly Innovation Center.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Energizing Action Against Ageism
An educational webinar series sponsored by Gray Panthers NYC.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Quick Guide to Ageism in Communication
A guide to help avoid agesim in everyday communication from imagery to the written and spoken word.
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Relationships and Social Networks
What is Age Discrimination?
And what can you do about it?
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Relationships and Social Networks
The Age Diversity Forum
A social enterprise organisation that promotes age diversity in the workplace.
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The Irish Longitudinal Study/ Trinity College Dublin
An Irish study on the health of ageing people as well as how they contribute to their communities.
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Plan For The Future
Choices for Later Life
Making the most of life after 50 - Marie Lacheze.
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Plan For The Future
The New Retirement
An Ultimate Guide to the Rest of your Life - Jan Cullinane et al.
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Plan For The Future
The Third Age Handbook
A guide for older people in Ireland - Ann Dempsey et al (2005).
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Plan For The Future
Don’t Retire, Rewire!
5 steps to fulfilling work that fuels your passion, suits your personality and fills your pocket - Sedlar & Miners.
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Plan For The Future
The Battle Between your Present and Future Self
Video of TED Talk by Daniel Goldstein.
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Social Welfare
Revenue - Pensions and Retirement
Information page about retirement and pensions.
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Social Welfare
Citizens information - Retirement
An index about retirement in Ireland.
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Healthy Lifestyle
The Mind’s Eye
Leisure activities that keep the mind lively - Stephen McAdam.
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Healthy Lifestyle
Stay Sharp With The Mind Doctor
Practical strategies to boost your brain power - Prof, Ian Robertson.
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Healthy Lifestyle
The Contented Retirement
Leisure activities that keep the mind lively - Stephen McAdam.
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Healthy Lifestyle
The Hungry Spirit
Purpose in the Modern World: - Charles Handy.
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Healthy Lifestyle
How to live to be 100+
Video of TED Ed Talk by Dan Buettner.
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Healthy Lifestyle
Men's Shed
A non-profit local organisation that provides a space for men to pursue practical interests, practice skills and socialise with others.
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What Color Is Your Parachute
Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success - Richard N. Bolles.
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Stop wasting your Money
An everyday guide to various ways to save money - Conor Pope 2009.
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The true cost of financial dependence
Video of TED talk by Estelle Gibson - The true cost of financial dependence.
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Pension Calculator
The Pension Authorities online calculator for pension contributions.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Retirement for Two
Everything you need to know to thrive together - Maryanne Vandervelde.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Wasting Time with People?
A collection of essays, poems, short stories and personal recollections - Alice Leahy.
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Relationships and Social Networks
The Secret to a Happy Life
A video of Lessons from 8 Decades of Research | Robert Waldinger | TED.
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Relationships and Social Networks
Age Action
An advocacy organisation for older and aging people in Ireland.
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Retirement and You
Your One Wild and Precious Life
An Inspiring Guide to Becoming Your Best Self At Any Age - Maureen Gaffney.
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Retirement and You
How to achieve a deeper sense of well-being and purpose in a crisis - Maureen Gaffney.
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Retirement and You
The 100-Year Life
Living and Working in an Age of Longevity – Lynda Gratton.
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Retirement and You
How to Squeeze All the Juice Out of Retirement
Video of TED talk by Riley Moynes.
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Retirement and You
Third Age Ireland
Third Age is a national voluntary organisation celebrating the third age in life when people may no longer be in paid employment, but can remain healthy, fulfilled and continue to contribute to society.
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