Assuming you wish to continue working, find the job you want to do.

Course aim

The aim of this course is to provide assistance and coaching to those whose contact of employment is complete but who wish to continue working, in whatever capacity that may be e.g. full-time; part-time; fixed term contract; own business; franchise.

Course audience

This course is for those individuals who wish to, or need to, continue working once their current contract of employment is complete.

Course content

The course consists of a one day workshop (CV; Interview Tips & Job Searching Skills) followed by a 1:1 individual coaching session.  Additional coaching sessions may be purchased as required.

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Course Details

The course is divided into two parts – a one day workshop and a follow-up 1:1 individual coaching session to address particular issues or concerns.  Working On in Retirement is unlikely to be a career move but rather employment which generates income.


The Workshop

The initial focus will be on identifying the individual's particular requirements in relation to work, lifestyle and income. In other words to get clarity as to what the individual is looking for.

The day then moves to the components of an effective market-ready CV that clearly states the skills, competencies and experience of the individual. Writing effective cover letters and emails will also be a part of this session.

Job searching (including online tools such as LinkedIn) are the next part of the day focusing on both the open and hidden job markets.

Interviews are a concern for many individuals as it may be a very long time since they had to tell someone about their work and how good they are! We will discuss the 3 Ps - Preparation. Performance and Post Mortem - in other words what to do before, during and after an interview. How to address and answer typical "awkward" interview questions will also be dealt with.


1:1 Individual Coaching

This is the second part of the course (usually within 4 weeks of the workshop) when the individual has an opportunity for one hour to discuss issues of particular concern. This might be specific preparation for an interview or a more in-depth look at other topics covered in the workshop.

Additional 1:1 sessions

Extra one hour sessions may be purchased if required at an additional cost.

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We can run a training course specifically for you and your colleagues, either on-site in your training facility, or at an off-site training location convenient for you. Contact our team to find out more about how we can help you.